Terry Pearce has authored four books; the most popular, Leading Out Loud, is currently in its third edition. He also wrote, Clicks and Mortar with then Charles Schwab CEO David Pottruck, which was hailed by New York Times as the "best handbook for operating in the new economy of the internet."
Terry is Founder and President of Leadership Communication, consulting with high-profile corporate, political and community leaders. Business Week magazine called him the “èminence grise” of leadership coaches.
He spent 17 years with IBM early in his career. In the '80s he worked extensively in citizen diplomacy, and pioneered American business activities in the Soviet Union. He’s also a former Senior Vice President for Charles Schwab & Co. Terry was an Adjunct Professor at The Haas Graduate School of Business, at UC Berkeley, and has served as visiting faculty at The London Business School for the MBA program and the Sloan Fellowship Programme, and thought leader in Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business Ethics and Leadership Roundtable.

Terry has partnered with Leadership Development & Employee Engagement expert BlessingWhite to bring his core principles to life in a Leading Out Loud workshop that enables leaders to drive business results through authentic communication.