Monthly Archives: February 2019

Guest: Guy Kawasaki – Apple’s Original Chief Evangelist & Author of 15 Books

Guy Kawasaki is a Silicon Valley icon who first became known as Apple’s Chief Evangelist, launching the Macintosh with epic success. From there he published many game-changing books: Selling the Dream, The Art of the Start, Rules for Revolutionaries, and more. His rich and varied career includes start-ups, venture capital,, Adviser to Google, and now, a return to his role of Chief Evangelist with Canva, an innovative company aiming to democratize design the same way the Macintosh democratized computers..

In our chat, we discuss Guy’s 15th book coming out soon, Wise Guy: Lessons from a Life, a Chicken Soup for the Soul, (or as he says, “Miso Soup for the Soul”) kind of book, full of stories: the ups and downs of working with Steve Jobs, becoming Brand Ambassador for Mercedes-Benz, reflecting on his family’s immigrant experience, adopting 2 kids from Guatemala, learning to surf at 62, and more. You’ll enjoy this lively interview, filled with wisecracking humor and laughs, as well as heartfelt wisdom about leading, evangelizing, parenting and life.


Enjoy Guy's newest book, Wise Guy: Lessons From a Life

Go to our Leaders Get Real “Reads” tab and get any of Guy’s books for the same Amazon price, while supporting a great cause. Leaders Get Real will donate a portion of your purchase to provide education to  vulnerable kids around the world.

Additional Mentions
     > What I Learned from Steve Jobs -
blog post at
     > Canva -
Democratizing Design
     > Slate Advisers -
Democratizing Executive Coaching
     > Digital Nest -
High Tech for Young Minds. Non-profit, high-tech training and collaboration space

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  • Transcript

 > Looking for Guy's other books? They are all here in one place on Amazon's Guy Kawasaki page.
 > Connect with Guy at

  • 6 years ago