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Guest: Dolly Chugh, author of The Person You Mean to Be

Dolly Chugh is the Author of the acclaimed The Person You Mean to Be: How Good People Fight Bias. She’s also an award-winning researcher at NYU Stern School of Business where she studies the psychology of good people and teaches MBA courses in leadership, management, and negotiations. Dolly shares compelling data on the existence of bias for all of us and provides practical ways for going from a "Believer" in equality to a "Builder."  You can start by taking the Harvard Bias test below.

Dolly delivered one of the 25 Most Popular TED Talks of 2018
and has been named one of the Top 100 Most Influential People in Business Ethics (along with Pope Francis, Angelina Jolie, and Bill Gates) by Ethisphere Magazine.

Prior to joining the NYU faculty, Dolly worked at Morgan Stanley, Time Inc., Scholastic, and Merrill Lynch. Dolly has degrees from Cornell University (B.A.) and Harvard University (M.B.A., Ph.D.)


Dolly, a social scientist,  studies the psychology of “good people.”

We work hard to protect our good person image. Most of us think we have Credibility. Most of us believe we’re not prejudiced. Dolly’s research explores how our desire to protect our “good person” image actually gets in the way of acknowledging areas where we can be even better.

Take the 10 minute Bias Test 

The Implicit Association Test (I.A.T) was designed by the world’s top 3 experts in unconscious bias. These Bias tests are FREE! Choose from a range of tests: Race, Gender, Sexuality, Age, etc. See if you have unconscious biases you didn’t even realize you had.

Headwinds and Tailwinds - Grasping Privilege

We recognize a headwind, but rarely appreciate a tailwind. These winds are invisible, yet significant in their impact. A powerful illustration of the forces at play for people of color at work. Dolly attributes the concept to Debby Irving, who has a chapter by that title in her book: Waking Up White: and finding myself in the story of race.

"Your meetings will tell you what is happening in your organization"

Salesforce is at the forefront leading the way in understanding diversity and inclusion. Tony Prophet, Chief Equity Officer of Salesforce says one of their top strategies is to run better meetings. Notice:
-> Who was invited, who wasn’t?   -> Who got interrupted, who didn’t?
-> Who had air time, who didn’t?    -> Who received credit, who didn’t?

Growth Mindset

Dolly draws from Carol Dweck of Stanford University. Dweck’s book, Mindset, makes the distinction between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. “Goodness” is not a fixed quality, but something that can be developed through focused effort.

Our Brain Makes Associations on Auto-pilot

Often our brain is on auto-pilot, making instant associations we don’t even realize we’re making, For example, if someone says “peanut butter and”’s likely you’ll think “jelly”.

Leveraging the Diversity Advantage

Dolly refers to the work of Kathy Phillips, Director of the Center for Leadership & Ethics and Senior Vice Dean of Columbia Business School.  Here, she discusses small steps that have big impact on getting the leverage diversity can provide.

The Best Leaders Share Credit 

Abby Wambach, two-time Olympic gold medalist,  Women's World Cup champion and six-time winner of the U.S. Soccer Athlete of the Year award. When Wambach scores a goal, rather than bask in all the glory,  she points and puts the spotlight on the person who made the assist. Wombach shares wisdom about leadership and teamwork in her newest book, Wolfpack,  and her original memoir, Forward.

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  • 4 years ago

Guest: Steve Farber, author of Love is Just Damn Good Business

Work Life Balance Redefined - Love What You Do

View a video sneak preview from the full podcast interview where this acclaimed business author breaks out in song.
A must see!

Steve Farber - Long-time friend, former colleague and best-selling author,  joins me as a Guest on LeadersGetReal to talk about his brand new book, Love is Just Damn Good Business releasing September 6th.

Steve has been named one of Inc’s global Top 50 Leadership and Management Experts. He’s currently an  columnist and sought-after speaker who was named Huffington Post’s #1 business speaker for 2017.

Steve is also author of Greater Than Yourself and The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership, which received Fast Company’s Readers’ Choice Award and was named one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time.

Steve brings a rare blend of refreshing humor and compelling thought leadership. In our chat, Steve shares stories, examples and insights about love as a hard-core business principle.


 SAVE THE DATE  for the 
Extreme Leadership Experience, where influencers from many fields gather to explore what it looks like to operationalize love in business.

When our guest is the interviewer, the conversation is every bit as authentic.  

Here, Steve talks to two author friends Patrick Lencioni and Mathew Kelly about the impact of love in  business.

Find Steve's books in our Bookstore....
>> Love is Just Damn Good Business: Do What You Love in the Service of People Who Love What You Do
>> The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership
>> The Radical Edge: Another Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership

>> Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson of True Leadership

"Leadership is NOT about your Position or Title..."

To connect with Steve and his work go to
Speaking | Workshops | Training | Books | Videos

  • 5 years ago

Guest: Ebony Beckwith – Salesforce Chief Philanthropy Officer

Ebony Beckwith wholeheartedly agrees with Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff that “the business of business is to improve the state of the world.” As Chief Philanthropy Officer for Salesforce, Ebony leads a 40 person team responsible for engaging more than 36,000 employees in community service (over 3.8 million volunteer hours to date), as well as administering hundreds of millions of dollars in grants to improve communities around the world.

Ebony and her team have achieved meaningful results with their work locally and internationally in the areas of education and workforce development.* (*see Show Notes below). Ebony extends her support of education and workforce development through her role as member of the Technical Advisory Board of Year Up** Bay Area (**see Show Notes).

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  • 5 years ago

Guest: Guy Kawasaki – Apple’s Original Chief Evangelist & Author of 15 Books

Guy Kawasaki is a Silicon Valley icon who first became known as Apple’s Chief Evangelist, launching the Macintosh with epic success. From there he published many game-changing books: Selling the Dream, The Art of the Start, Rules for Revolutionaries, and more. His rich and varied career includes start-ups, venture capital,, Adviser to Google, and now, a return to his role of Chief Evangelist with Canva, an innovative company aiming to democratize design the same way the Macintosh democratized computers..

In our chat, we discuss Guy’s 15th book coming out soon, Wise Guy: Lessons from a Life, a Chicken Soup for the Soul, (or as he says, “Miso Soup for the Soul”) kind of book, full of stories: the ups and downs of working with Steve Jobs, becoming Brand Ambassador for Mercedes-Benz, reflecting on his family’s immigrant experience, adopting 2 kids from Guatemala, learning to surf at 62, and more. You’ll enjoy this lively interview, filled with wisecracking humor and laughs, as well as heartfelt wisdom about leading, evangelizing, parenting and life.


Enjoy Guy's newest book, Wise Guy: Lessons From a Life

Go to our Leaders Get Real “Reads” tab and get any of Guy’s books for the same Amazon price, while supporting a great cause. Leaders Get Real will donate a portion of your purchase to provide education to  vulnerable kids around the world.

Additional Mentions
     > What I Learned from Steve Jobs -
blog post at
     > Canva -
Democratizing Design
     > Slate Advisers -
Democratizing Executive Coaching
     > Digital Nest -
High Tech for Young Minds. Non-profit, high-tech training and collaboration space

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 > Looking for Guy's other books? They are all here in one place on Amazon's Guy Kawasaki page.
 > Connect with Guy at

  • 5 years ago

Guest: Lisa Lahey – Author of Immunity to Change

Lisa Lahey is a member of the Harvard Faculty & Author of Immunity to Change.

Do you have a personal improvement goal or a change you want to make at work that has proven resistant to your sincerest intentions, smartest plans, and best efforts? Discover a path to personal breakthrough from this Interview with Harvard faculty and 3-time author, Lisa Lahey, revealing deceptively simple insights from Immunity to Change: How to Overcome it and Unlock the Potential in Yourself and Your Organization.

When Oprah Winfrey listed the Top Ten Things You Should Do to Start the New Year Right, number ONE on the list was, “Try the Immunity-to-Change approach.” This ground-breaking, award-winning approach has helped tens of thousands of people make lasting changes at work and in their private lives.

One-Minute Intro Video

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  • 5 years ago

Guest: Justin Bariso – Author of EQ Applied

Justin Bariso is the author of the best selling book, EQ Applied, and one of's most popular columnists. His thoughts on leadership, management, and emotional intelligence have been featured by TIME, CNBC, and Forbes, among others. He has been recognized repeatedly by LinkedIn as a “Top Voice” in Management and Workplace Culture.

In this age of instant communication, constant distractions, and major conflict, a high emotional intelligence quotient, or EQ, is more important than ever. But what exactly is emotional intelligence? And what does it look like in real life and leadership? In this interview, Justin shows us with current examples: Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Satya Nadella (Microsoft) and Angela Ahrendts (Apple), personal experiences and practical ideas to grow your own EQ.

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  • 5 years ago